Brockholes Business Park, Rock Mill Road, Brockholes, Holmfirth, HD9 7BN
Work Hours
Monday to Friday:9AM - 5PM
Anti Ricochet
A safe haven during emergency situations.
The density of the material will affect its ability to absorb the energy of a bullet, while the composition will determine its durability and resistance to wear and tear.
The term anti-ricochet was probably used during conflict environments when protection became more technically demanding. The first Ballistic Standards would have evolved in Tank and Armoured vehicle manufacturing during the First World War. Armoured steel in those days would have been naval plate adapted for vehicle usage. Absorption of spall and preventing ricochet usually utilise the same materials.
Dflect EPDM tile Material
Thickness: 30 mm
Anti-ricochet ballistic panels are used as a covering material for all surfaces of shooting ranges. They can protect walls, floors, ceilings and partitions. Additionally, they are also a component of bullet traps. Their key task is to prevent ricochets to ensure the complete safety of shooters.
It has been engineered to possess unique ballistic properties. It has become a popular material for use in gun ranges due to its ability to mitigate the risk of ricochet, which is when a bullet rebounds off a surface and travels in an unpredictable direction. Ricochets are a major concern in gun ranges because they can cause serious injury or death to people in the vicinity.
Modular Security Panel levels
The best solutions to protect your family and most valuable possessions.
Working with you allows us to design the highest level of bespoke safe rooms and vaults for your family to take lifesaving shelter during a robbery, burglary, home invasion or terrorist attack.
and architect ensures that we identify the protection level required to create safe rooms that are attack resistant, bullet proof, functional, safe and aesthetically pleasing.
and walling levels to protect against physical attack tools and ballistic weapons, such as pistols, handguns, and rifles.
armoured and sliding doors can be hidden from view, something that can be specified during the design process.
2 – Panel Section
2 – Corner Panel
3 – Door Frame
4 – Top Edge Panel
3 – Modular Fixing
We are proud to manufacture our Embassy modular steel security walling and safe room products here in the UK. Our growth is through design, innovation and investment in British engineering.