A safe room, or panic room as they are often called, provides a safe hiding place for your loved ones until your security team or the emergency services can be contacted.
We have a choice of security rooms and walling levels to protect against physical attack tools and ballistic weapons, such as pistols, handguns, and rifles.
The Panic Room may have additional security measures, such as a panic button that alerts local authorities, an alarm system, and possibly even a safe or vault for securing valuables.
The panic room may be discreetly integrated into the structure or hidden behind a seemingly ordinary facade to prevent intruders from easily identifying its existence.
The panic room is equipped with a communication system that allows occupants to contact emergency services or communicate with the outside world. This may include a dedicated phone line, intercom system, or two-way radio.
Backup Power
To ensure functionality during power outages, the panic room is equipped with a backup power source, such as a generator or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
Access control is a fundamental component of modern security systems, providing a versatile and adaptable solution for safeguarding physical spaces, data, and resources.
Designed for architects, designers & contruction
Embassy modular steel security walling and our high security luxurious safes are ideal for designing bespoke rooms or converting existing rooms, offering a high level of physical attack protection, ballistic resistant walling protection combined with bulletproof door sets creating the safe room required.
Modular Security Panel levels
The best solutions to protect your family and most valuable possessions.
Embassy modular room
Working with you allows us to design the highest level of bespoke safe rooms and vaults for your family to take lifesaving shelter during a robbery, burglary, home invasion or terrorist attack.
and architect ensures that we identify the protection level required to create safe rooms that are attack resistant, bullet proof, functional, safe and aesthetically pleasing.
Each project is managed and designed in house meaning we can offer a full turnkey security solution
We are proud to manufacture our Embassy modular steel security walling and safe room products here in the UK. Our growth is through design, innovation and investment in British engineering.