Brockholes Business Park, Rock Mill Road, Brockholes, Holmfirth, HD9 7BN
Work Hours
Monday to Friday:9AM - 5PM
Access control: SYNGUARD
Leading access management
Synguard delivers both hardware and software that allows you to manage and integrate multiple systems into one. The beauty of Synguard is that is can be configured to whatever you need it to be. From simple and competitively priced single door systems up to muti-door, multi-site and multi-product integrations. You can integrate with intrusion, fire, CCTV, visitor & parking management, asset tracking, key management and even ATM and safe locks.
Synguard is a 100% web based platform that is available in the cloud or on premise. It is end to end secured, developed for multi-site and high user environments and fully GDPR compliant. It gives you one click reporting and total flexibility over who, when and where access is granted.
It is an open platform that uses a combination of in house and partner hardware.
Used on:
Access methods:
Designed for:
Possible uses :
Location tracking
Lift control
Call systems
Building Management Systems
Reservation management systems
Programming & management:
Web based software
Wireless & hardwired locks
On site controllers
Ease of use:
Training required
Cost of use:
No ongoing costs or charges
Free security updates, bug fixes and user improvements via the Argo App